The mind will always try to lead the body back to safety if you let it.
Look through the impossible to where it could be
By Steve Holmes
Patient (5.5 yrs)
“The Definition of Fiction: Something imagined, a collection of thoughts that form a story not yet real – NOT YET!
Not everything can be measured by the reality of others!
“To Walk on Water you must first believe that it is possible, you have to look through the impossible to where it can be, then take that next step and the one beyond that until the magic of momentum reaches out and engages lifting you up and beyond the now. Transporting you to that place where your dreams can fly free and their visions and aspirations rise up to plan their outward reality. This is how we landed on the moon, and continue to do remarkable things today, that just yesterday were impossible.”
“Hope is real, it is the architect of our dreams, that stimulates our innermost ‘Willingness’ our the builder of dreams and momentum. With momentum, we can do magic. Momentum begins well before it can be seen by others, let it rise up, let it carry you up and beyond without restriction, let it inspire others to do the same.
That’s my story, my song that began deep within, it helped me sing, it helped me rise above and beyond my conscious measures to become the best I could be, so there you have it, I have shared outwardly the most inner me ~
Great reflection to start the day.
I took a long time to evolve and merge all the little sayings that mattered to me. I am glad it helped Jan – regards Steve