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‘Chol’ means bile ➡ ‘angio’ means vessel or ducts ➡ ‘carcinoma’ means a cancer that originates in the protective layer that lines the ducts (the epithelial layer). 

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Cure Cholangiocarcinoma Think Tank (C2T2)
The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation has published a white paper from the first Cure Cholangiocarcinoma Think Tank (C2T2 ) meeting, which gathered 29 expert scientists and clinicians from the world’s leading academic institutions. The multi-disciplinary group was led by Dr. Mitesh Borad and Dr. Nilo Azad, chairs of the International Cholangiocarcinoma Research Network (ICRN). Topics selected for the first C2T2 meeting reflected areas of urgency and opportunity for improving outcomes for people impacted by CCA – precision early diagnostics and prevention and precision therapeutics (specifically in the immune-oncology space).

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“Because a thing seems difficult, do not think it impossible.” – Marcus Aurelius