Dr Charles Drake explains about Exhausted T Cells in immunotherapies and how to switch them back on

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Basics of Immunotherapy with Dr. Charles Drake – NYC Immunotherapy Patient Summit 2018

Foreword on Article by Steve Holmes

Immunotherapy explained very Simply
Dr Charles Drake explains about Exhausted T Cells in immunotherapies and how to switch them back on. Sounds so simple but doesn’t work for everyone. He talks about tumours going into long term Stable State which is actually a good thing. Dr Drake also talks about T Cell memory and rejigging it by taking the tumour outside of the body, retrain them and then put them back into your body – sounds a lot like CAR -T Cell treatment – he calls this “Adoptive T Cell Transfer.

Hope this info helps
Regards Steve
Cholangio Crusader


Cholangiocarcinoma Australia is a Centralised Hub by patients and caregivers for Patients and Caregivers.
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Steve & Claire Holmes


Cancer Research Institute
Published on Oct 11, 2018
Charles Drake, M.D., Ph.D., of NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, provides a 20-minute introduction to the basics of immunotherapy, using the immune system to fight cancer, at the 2018 Immunotherapy Patient Summit in New York City. cancerresearch.org/summit

Dr. Charles Drake covers checkpoint inhibitor therapy, CAR T cell therapy, oncolytic virus therapy, and therapeutic cancer vaccines.

Cancer Research Institute Immunotherapy Patient Summits are free half-day Saturday events that provide a forum for patients, caregivers, and advocates to meet together along with scientific and healthcare experts to learn more about how new breakthroughs in immunotherapy are changing standards of care for all cancers. In 2018, the Immunotherapy Patient Summit series visits San Francisco, New York City, San Diego, and Houston. The New York City summit was live streamed online. This video is a recording of the live stream. cancerresearch.org/summit

(c) Cancer Research Institute 2018

Also see Dr Drake explain more
in this panel discussion